21 jul 2012

Iberoamerican Art in Bicentennial of the Supreme court of Spain

Iberoamerican Art, Carlos Cañas, Rodolfo Abularach, Carlos Colombino, Don Archer, Antonio Samudio, Mónica Sarmiento Castillo, Armando Lara, Luis H. Cruz, Rosa Taváres, Miguel H. Zorrilla, Olga Sinclair, Rafael Garcia, Leopoldo Maler, etc.
Bicentennial Of The Supreme Court Of Spain 
"200 Years of The Constitution of the Supreme Court of Spain(1812 - 2012) 
The inaugural event will be held in the Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court of Spain in Madrid on June 18, 2012 . These Ibero-American master artists have been selected for their important international reputation and have the honor of are representing their respective nations at the Bicentennial of the Supreme Court of Spain, Awards on behalf of the Bicentennial of the Supreme Court of Spain.
The Artist: Luis Zelveti, Mónica Sarmiento Castillo, Olga Sinclair, Leopoldo Maler, Don Archer, Rodolfo Abularach, José María Yturralde, Catarina Carneiro, Rosa Tavárez
 Will feature the following artists: Spain: Jose Maria Yturralde, USA: Don Archer, Mexico: Jose Luis Cuevas, Guatemala: Rodolfo Abularach, Nicaragua: Omar D'Leon, Republic Dominican Rosa Tavarez, Venezuela: Oswaldo Vigas, Peru: Fernando de Szyszlo, Honduras: Armando Lara, Portugal: Alberto Carneiro, Paraguay: Carlos Colombino, Cuba: Enrique Ubieta, Ecuador: Monica Castillo Sarmiento, El Salvador: Carlos Cañas, Uruguay: Miguel Herrera Zorrilla, Bolivia: Zilveti Luis, Argentina: Leopoldo Maler, Puerto Rico: Luis Hernandez Cruz, Panama: Olga Sinclair, Chile: Ivan Contreras Brunet, Costa Rica: Felo Garcia, Colombia: Antonio Samudio, Brazil: Luis Villani
Ibero-American Exposition in Magna Chamber of the Supreme Court of Spain
 Among the art critics that have contributed to the Ibero-American culture are: France: Gerard Xuriguera, South America: Marianne de Tolentino, Bélgica Rodriguez, and Spain: Roman de la CalleAs great examples of of Ibero and Latin American Art these are the only official artists and artistic representatives of the Bicentenario del Tribunal Supremo de España an event curated by the Gallery CosmoArte Century XXV, in collaboration with the Fundación Carlos III. 
Iberoamerican Artist. Leopoldo Maler, Rafael Felo Garcia, Luis Zelveti, Vicente Alcaraz de CosmoArte, Antonio Samudio y Janine Vigas.

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