30 mar 2012

Gabriel Roldos, Multimedia Lecture on the relationship of the Equator, the geography of the Andes, and astronomy in the Pre-Hispanic culture

April 25th – Gabriel Roldós, Executive Producer and Director of Fluid New Media Lab
Topic: Multimedia talk on the relationship of the Equator, the geography
of the Andes, and astronomy in the Pre-Hispanic culture
The archaeological site of Catequilla will be discussed. This is an astronomical observatory 1,000 years old, which is located
exactly on the equator and marks a relationship to the position of churches and cities in South America.
www.quitsato.org ,community.queensmuseum.org ,fluid.localproject.org ,vimeo.com/fluidv2,Life At the Onderdonk (ding) x 6.

Synopsis of Presentation
A presentation of the archaeological site of Catequilla, an astronomical observatory 1,000 years old, which is located exactly on the equator and marks a relationship to the position of churches and cities in south america. The inhabitants of the equatorial zone in pre-Hispanic times held their territory in relation to celestial bodies, particularly the sun, ordering their constructions in relation to rising and setting sun. These alignments draw a sketch of a land that over the centuries is still present in contemporary culture.
In the video, Cietífico Quitsa, Dr. Cristobal Cobo gives us a holistic perspective that includes studies of astronomy, archeology, history and geography, which gives a context of the worldview of the Native American inhabitants of the Andes Equator. This will be a multimedia presentation with images and videos by Gabriel Roldós, project representative in New York.

Speaker Biography
Roldós Gabriel is the Executive Producer and Director of Fluid New Media Lab, an initiative that uses new media to create, host and archive art proposals using audiovisual technology. The project has been the scene of contemporary art by local artists and international areas of cultural activism and art in performance, including the Local Project, Flux Factory, Queens Museum of Art, El Museo del Barrio, 3rd Ward and Ten10 Studios. He was a special guest, presenting multimedia collaborations at international festivals such as the VFF, aluCine, and Toronto New Media Arts Festival.
His career started as a visual communicator for the project Scientific Quitsa-to, and evolved into a lecturer on the project in the New York City. During his stay in this city has hosted several educational workshops in media arts, as well as exhibitions and events in public spaces in the New York.

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